Preserving and recharging energy

By Natasha

If you asked my closest friends and colleagues for one word to describe me, the resounding answer is energy. Non-stop Natasha, as my mother would say, imploring me to slow down.
For years, this seemingly boundless capacity has supported my maximum life – until last year, when I couldn’t keep up with myself. We live in times where the mantra is
more, bigger, faster. Relentless urgency, endless distractions and obsessive connectivity are taking a toll. We are the burnout generation.
It was the feeling of running on empty, that sparked my interest in the science of human energy.
What I’ve learned is that energy is the foundation of everything we do – it’s the fuel in our tanks.

There are four sources of energy  (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) that work together in harmony to help us be at our best. For the past year, I’ve been paying attention to each of these areas – and building new habits and behaviors that impact how productive, happy and purposeful I feel. It is also a topic that I have pursued in depth as a programme director at Leader's Quest and as a coach.

Some of my personal practices and experiments include a (successful) cooking challenge, going dancing (at least once a month), cycling outdoors (once a week), reading regularly, writing morning pages (reference The Artist’s Way). The one that’s proving to be most effective though, is
being intentional about what I am saying YES to.
What practices and rituals can you create to boost your energy and how you show up? What are you saying yes to, especially in times like these? If you’re interested in
building awareness and tuning into your energy – here’s a webinar Connect & Recharge I've created for my close friends and colleagues that may also help you connect & recharge.