The books that have changed my career

Talking about transitions, four books have thoroughly changed my perspectives and helped me advance in my career.

  • Atomic Habits—About micro habits and a different approach to keeping good habits
  • Portfolio Career—Not a book, but the idea of having multiple careers certainly made a huge impact on me and I live up to it every day
  • Never Split the Difference—The book that helped me save relationships, and made me a much better active listener, in negotiations and life moments alike
  • The First 90 Days—How to prepare oneself for any career transition

I am currently reading The First 90 Days by Watkins and I am so grateful to have discovered this book as I transition into my new role. It has become my bible and manual and I can only warmly recommend it to anyone who is going through a period of transition in their career (new job, new role, new team etc.).


First impressions matter and so the first 90 days in a new role set the tone of yourself, your brand and your reputation in the new team or company going forward. The book helps to structure those first three months, reminding us to approach each phase with a set of goals and the things we should accomplish or avoid doing. 

For example, it reminded me to pick out culture interpreters, people who can help us to quickly get a grasp on the company's culture. It also reminded me to engage and nurture peers around me, like with your neighbors, you don't want to piss them off ;)

Moreover, the book made me realize to not go in with an "action bias"—to believe that I knew better and overthrow all existing norms without having listened. The book gently compares the consequences to a body rejecting a donor organ. I think the image very much sticks with me and I am taking my time in 1on1s to understand the company better before I form my judgement.

Just two days ago, the book reminded me to NOT STAY AWAY from my boss. Indeed, it had been 3 weeks I hadn't heard from her and the book adviced that it was MY JOB to foster a positive relationship with my boss not the other way around and to seek five conversations in the transition period: 1. The situational assessment, 2. The expectation conversation, 3. The resources conversation, 4. The style of working conversation and last but not least the 5. Growth and development conversation.
I think it is so so true and I am eager and planning to follow up on those.

Again, I think you all get what I mean—the book is gold. Honestly! And applicable to so many situations. See for yourself.