The power of our voice

Paying attention to the voice of a person provides us valuable information about him/her.

The voice tells us about:

  • The mood the person is in
  • How confident he or she is 
  • How much conviction s/he has in what was just said

Most often, by interpreting the tone of someone’s voice, we get to know what that person really thinks or how s/he really ticks.

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Atomic Habits by James Clear

A while ago, I read the book upon recommendation and it really changed my thinking (I uploaded the book here for you). In one of the earlier newsletter, I wrote about my morning habits and it was a lot inspired by what I read.

James argues in his book that people don’t stick to good habits and continue with bad habits. Why is that? It is because bad habits typically are easier, more available and give you instant gratification (think about eating chocolate, you only get fat later).

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Visual Storytelling by C. Niemann

This week I got really inspired by C. Niemann. He is a Berlin-based illustrator that has done work for The New Yorker, MoMa and NatGeo. His illustrations are brilliant, smart and simple. If you don’t know him already - there is a great documentary on Netflix called Abstract about him.

Enjoy some selected pieces :) All © Christoph Niemann


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Recognizing exhaustion & my personal experience

It’s not an easy topic to address.

Often times we may not see, or want to see when we feel exhausted. It also doesn’t matter how we call it. But if the feeling persists of constantly feeling like you don’t have things under control, or feel overwhelmed or anxious with new tasks or things then a red flag should light up in you.

Looking back, I do think that 2019 was extremely exhausting for me.

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Away CEO Steph Korey stepping down

I thought I wanted to write an article about unfairness and unequal treatment of female and male leaders. Then I thought again.

Steph Korey, the CEO and Co-founder of Away luggages, a hip direct-to-consumer millennial brand, was forced to step down a week after harsh criticism for her management style and her “toxic” work culture appeared in the news.

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Three reasons why people are single

The men I meet these days seem to be flawed.

They judge (“Why are you so X…”).
They are passive (“What are your plans for the weekend”, but never ask to meet).
They give up too quickly (“Oh whatever, they are other girls”).

Looking down a bit deeper, it looks like there are three reasons why someone is not in a relationship

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